Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Monday, June 5, 2006


23.It has been haunting me since I broke up with him.What is so significant with this number that I see everywhere without intent? Why does it keep popping out all of a sudden when I least expect it? What is its message to me?

All I know is that we started our relationship on that fated 23rd of November and how happy he was because 23 happened to be his most favorite number because of Michael Jordan.

From that time when we went on our separate ways, I would either see that number on a public utility vehicle, on a door, bulletin board, somebody's shirt and everywhere else you could think to imagine. At the start I really didn't take too much notice as I have let go of it as somewhat just my psychological reaction towards our parting.

Perhaps, I wasn't altogether ready to move on to the next phase in my life without him. But until the later time, and 23 kept showing itself to me, I felt that something was wrong and it bothered me now.

Foremost, I never took the leisure to really mind this incidences with 23 as I kept it to myself so as not to mind the fuss. Somehow, though, I have already associated that 23 meant him. But what about him? We have already said our goodbyes. It was an ideal type of goodbye because I would like to think that we parted as friends.We were in good terms to the falling out. It was a mature decision we both whole heartedly made. As to the haunting of this number in the recent events in my life, I know not why.

It is starting to feel creepy and disturbing at some point. It is already freaking me out. I am writing about it because I want to get it out of my system. I want to have back my normal life. Don't we all?

How can I start my life anew when these incidences keep me company in my journey to move on? What is it saying to me? I am helpless if not over reacting.

For instance, my college graduation date after I have uploaded my picture at Friendster I realized was on March 23,2000. Libra starts with September 23. I am a Libra.

On one occassion I was in the chatroom with Cage and his other online friend Mhikel and we were talking of so many things else when the former suddenly told me, "I got married December 23, 2005, to be exact." He added that he had a relationship with a girl whose birthday falls on October 23 and that they broke up at the age of 23. He told me all of these and I wasn't even asking. He didn't even know I was having trouble with the number 23.

Simultaneously, after agreeing to exchange mobile numbers with Mhikel, it happened that the last two digits of his cellular phone was 23. On that same day when I arrived at the office earlier on, the plate number of the car I saw ended with 23.

My ex boyfriend's mobile number used to be the 23rd entry in my phonebook. After I have taken his number out, the next one that took the number 23 slot was the number of his friend in Makati which I also named after him.

There is somebody I met recently whose birthday is onAugust 23. Moreover, when Maya and I were browsing her pictures at Friendster, my hands shook at her nursing graduation date that happened to be on March 23,2006.

My boss asked me to update our spaceman directory and to send it out after the last roll of cascade which she told me was going to be on June 23. This directory has one member in it celebrating her birthday every November 23 (THE VERY DATE I WENT STEADY WITH HIM!!!).

I recently wrote a Feature Article of a recent event launched which ran for 23 days. The Wreckers' album was released on May 23. There was another friend online who sent me a message saying he was arriving home in Bohol on May 23 as well.

Now if this is not the creepiest, the goodbye article I wrote for him titled "Unopened Letter", which you can check out at my blogsite has the file size 23.0kb.

Maybe I am over reacting. But can you actually decide an exact file size to a document? In which case, I did not expect it to be 23.0kb, because I only remember being so emotional during the time I was piecing together that write-up.

What makes 23 so special? If this is happening to everybody else, I wouldn't really bother. I have already lost grip with the person involved in this number. So why am I stuck with it?

Your interpretation? Bring it on!

Copyright ©2006 Theren Alexander


Anonymous said...

Looks like you put yourself in PRISON 23. First, allow me to call you THEREN but correct me later if you want me to call other name. Theren, I don't know how and where to start. But let me start to something which is more acceptable to majority.

I don't know how you interpret your whole story with the Number 23 and how you interpret yourself. Your whole story often happen to observant people. As I look into your profile, you are a QUITE OBSERVER in your Party Style and your Ideal Place to Live is in the OCEAN FRONT BEACH HOUSE. You want that place maybe because you want to oberve natures that nobody can disturb you, how and when the high and low tide come and how to ocean connects to ther side of the world where you are standing. What I mean here is, with the personality that you have as an observant (as how I interpret you), you record into yourself almost every little thing that involves to anybody or anything which you consider important to you or the one you love. You love the person having an upbringing of number 23, which triggers you to let 23 resembles to him, and then you let 23 to be involved into your life. I can't blame you with that. You are observing number 23 in your everyday life including PUV, shirts, mobile number, dates, etc. and neglecting other numbers that come into your way. Hey, there might be some numbers other than 23 that you see in PUV as you travel to and from you workplace. 23 on shirts is still normal to be popular nowadays even Michael Jordan is off from the floor since LeBron James, our NBA Star here in Cleveland, is using 23. There might be day other than 23 with significant occassion and another significant occassion happens on the such day in different month or year that come into your life but you're not giving attention to it because you are looking for the day 23. I know how you feel after you lose grip to that person and I know that It is still in there and that's the reason why you are still longing for number 23 and when you see or meet such number, you feel something that you can't understand. I believe that until now, you haven't accepted yourself that you lose him. Number 23 still involves in your life unless you have accepted that you have already lose the person that is resembled by 23 and you can't move on to the next stage of your life until you will learn and accept that some people even your significant person, most things, and almost all success and failures will just come and go.

Theren, you might be and observant person as much as I do. The good thing there is, we can learn fast, analyze the cause, find the solution, and even make a prevention if we are still in control. The bad thing will happen if we lose control, coz we may have a TUNNEL VISION OBSERVATION. Get out from the tunnel and go back to your normal life for you will not be staying forever in the stage of life that you are standing right now. There are still another stages waiting for you to be explore.

Please, send a reply and I will share you also how number 13 is involved in my system.

Take Care always.

What if I tell you that the last four digit of my mobile is 7123.

Theren Alexander said...

Hey Trojan! my incidences with 23 did not happen intentionally. they just pass by, pop up like unexpected matrix. If I could get it off my system I would be most willing to let it go. But it comes to me. I don't anticipate it.

Thanks for a very deep interpretation. I appreciate that you have taken the time to try and analyse my temporary insanity =)Please just help me pray I will soon be over this...

Anonymous said...

I think peoplke have something that reminds them of their past. It may be a place, an object, person and maybe in your case the number 23. But, why do you remember these things? Maybe, it's just a mask of the person who you really think. The person who shares with you experiences that you would take for the rest of your life. You just associate 23 with that person. Why are you stuck with it? I guess, you are the one who can answer that question. Maybe ask yourself if you are still in love with him? That's the closest thing that came into my mind when i saw your message.

Anonymous said...

well, it's just a matter of mind just simply implies that you haven't moved on yet...Grow up girl! Let go....and let God!

Anonymous said...

I am just lucky not to have anything with numbers. If I would have then I would try to find a partner in life who hasn't or even more number would come to my mind.
Maybe one day you will be released from this number. Maybe in 23 months and 23 days or maybe on somewhere on a 23rd in 2023. I don't know. I just hope it will be soon.

Take very good care,

Anonymous said...

If one keeps looking for signs, connections, what have you, one will always find 'em. The only interpretation I have for this is that you haven't really gotten over the person. If thisis creep'n you out, try to move on.... Well, it is alot more fun to ponderon something you can't let go.... just a thought. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I can't really figure out what kind of life you have reading your first broadcast. Forgige me Alexi for replying only now. Ihad a hectic sched these past days, that's all. About the 23, these are mere coincidences. (I believe so) the fact that everything that happens in your life doesn't go with 23. These are just several incendences. But I'm not telling you that you ignore these significant 23 coincidences. What i feel and believe about this is that there is a meassage that the Divine Being would like to tell you. Perhaps he wanted to catch your attention, to believe in him. Could this be the way of the Almighty? It's up to you. Do you believe everything has a purpose?

I really want to know you. Hope this could already be the way getting to know you.

Bye for now.