Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy CHRISTMAS! (^^,)

Christmas is always a FAMILY event for me, but over the recent years that passed since I left home in 2003 to chase my dreams, I have been missing to spend this with them. When I was younger, I remember Christmas is always the time of the year when our huge clan reunite. I am now missing the sound of my cousins breezing through our main door to spend the festivities with us. I miss the smell of baking and cooking in the kitchen while Dad and my uncles,who are mostly men from the military, would sit about the patio to talk endlessly about their adventures over liquor & smokes, whilst Mom and her sisters would fret over how spaghetti should be prepared. I miss sneaking out the back door with my cousins to climb up the rooftop so we can lie down, joke around, tell tales, count the stars until our parents would call for us to have the Noche Buena dinner. I miss the fireworks and gift giving! 

To get over my sadness, I sat down and started opening the gifts I got from friends and random people... THANK YOU!

From ODE

From Team Porsche

From Tsong and Berna

From Tsong and Berna

From Lai

From Kristel

From my Landlady at Nazareth Home

From an Internet Cafe I Frequent (SUPER LOVE THE INSCRIPTION!)




 From ABET (Lovin' my Head Gear!)

Free Christmas Lunch from ABET

And well hello there! My SBUX 2013 Journal from the Love of my Life ",)

I feel BLESSED and LOVED. ALL IS WELL. Happy Christmas ",)

© Theren Alexander 2012

1 comment:

_Mark_ said...

Someone's got a lot of lovin' hehe