Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Love You

am i in the right place right now? have i lived the life i was meant to? or bound to? or however it's supposed to be? have i lived at all?

quoted from the movie American Beauty once: "TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life..." the movie claimed that this could be true for almost each day except for one day... THE DAY YOU DIE!

another motion picture added: "we never really know how good we have until it is gone." -MegaMind-

so, i guess what i am really trying to say is, we need to give more value to everything we love. treasure moments that can never happen again. celebrate small victories we always tend to not appreciate because we selfishly think we deserve better. marvel at life's little gifts and pleasures we just let pass us by. accept and overcome what we must. conquer fears and obstacles. let go. move one. LIVE!

NOTHING and NO ONE is permanent in this world. this thought struck me numb today. ever since then, i told myself i will not waste my life letting go of whatever good i can get. i promised to make each day of my life matter in doing my best to love and take care of EVERYTHING and EVERY ONE dear to me. i offer to all of them ONLY the BEST of WHO I AM.

i love many things, but, for this article alone, i want to express it to my greatest love of all...

i cannot measure the love i have for my family, let alone the love i have for my parents. but, isn't that how love is supposed to be for everyone? for anyone who really and truly loves?

"do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. what we need is to love without getting tired. be FAITHFUL in small things, because it is in them that your strength lies..." 

-Mother Teresa-

have i lived at all? the answer is... I WILL!

© Theren Alexander 2012

1 comment:

_Mark_ said...

the life you live theren is great and amazing. i would like to really meet you one day and get to know you better...