Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Friday, February 22, 2008

For a WHILE...

I came across the thought that I will never write again...and for a while I haven't...

Copyright ©2008 Theren Alexander


Anonymous said...

So, where have all the zest of the scribbler went? It is not tiring to actually read back all you have written in the past. Lessons about life. I miss you, Theren. I always search for your calm writings to soothe my solitude. Come back to blog...

Anonymous said...

Girl,whatever happened to ya? My... hope you'll revive soon! I'll be emailing you pics from SanFran. I had a supah blast! ish you were there =)

Anonymous said...

sahrazad u r just supurb,u have god gifted telent,i wish u excell in ur life,may allah bless u with all the happinesses of ur life and may allah fulfill all the desires of ur life mznisar

Anonymous said...

dont stop on what you do best...
those who read your works, begins to know and understand you as a person...
writing is your outlet and your life...
it is almost half of the year and you have done a few...
hope to read more before the year ends...

Anonymous said...

its sept already nothing new in your blog...
the year is about to end...
hope 1 of this day i can read something new...

you have change your #s...
hope 1 of this day we can talk again...

have a nice day & God Bless my dear friend...
hope to hear from you soon...

Theren Alexander said...

Hi Anonymous. If you will tell me who you are perhaps I can give you my new number =)