Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Life is God's greatest gift to humanity. So each day I make it a point that I live it the best way I can. LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME. Be the best for God! I celebrate my life each year as a Thanksgiving for this magnificent experience here on Earth. I want to be connoted as The Happy One. Thank you for spending a little bit of your time in that short but memorable merry-making with me. Thank you to all those who have greeted me. Thank you for making me SMILE! Truly, "THE BEST GIFTS ARE THE ONES THAT CAN'T BE WRAPPED..."

Minutes right before my birthday ended thunder roared, lighting struck and rain
poured like crazy. When I was little I used to hide under my sheets because it
frightened me. The elders used to say that when it rained hard accompanied by
thunder and lightning we should repent our sins because God is unhappy and mad.
But not tonight. Ever since knowing that God is a loving and forgiving God, tonight I

looked up, smiled and whispered, "iAM BLESSED!"

iAM blessed to have the love of a family who has stood strong together whatever the circumstance may have been throughout time...

iAM blessed because I have genuine friends who never forsake me. Who are there in the good and bad times...

iAM blessed iAm in love with the only man I fall for over and over again...

iAM blessed because iAM loved by the Greatest Lover of all...

iAM 34. Disciplined and Determined... ",)

© Theren Alexander 2013

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