Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Life is sweet if you take it easy. I never knew this until I did. I used to be in that darkest part of that tunnel we all seemed to trek down until we see that promised light. "There is light at the end of the tunnel", they say, but nobody  bothered to ask exactly how long is the tunnel or if we will like the life that light will present us when we get there. What I learned about life as I went along my journey is that it is a platter of bitter and sweet surprises, and it pays to be thankful come what may.

Whatever it is that you are going through now, I hope you will find your silver lining...

© Theren Alexander 2013


_Mark_ said...

Who did you watch it with? Did you like "Silver Linings"? The story line was good :)

Theren Alexander said...

Haven't watched it yet. Saw the trailer and I thinks it is good ",)

prettyNpink said...

Very well-said my dear, such a nice quote=)

Theren Alexander said...

Thank you ",)