Thoughts for the Dawn...little pleasures of the mind, scribbled out of great inspirations from the hidden dungeon of her heart...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nuggets of FAITH

"the gift of grace is given to those who BELIEVE..."

i believe in GOD.
HE is a Great Force within me. whenever i stumble down because of life's unforgiving and inevitable circumstances, HE gives me the strength to get back on my knees to revere in the salvation HE is always most willing to give because i believe.

i believe in MIRACLES.
miracles are blessings in disguise. more often than not, these miracles parade in front of us like a list of beautiful items in a grand catalog. the only difference is, they are not priced. miracles are free to those who can really see them.

i believe in my FAMILY.
because my family is my HOME, and "home is where the heart is." no matter what happens, i will always go back to you... to love you whatever our situation maybe.

i believe in FRIENDSHIP.
because i am a FRIEND. friends are wonders to one's solitary life. they are, i quote, our "God-given SOLACE." they are God's army of Archangels who shield us from life's cruelties. friends are there for us whether we are wounded or not. to my greatest friends, this quote i impart, "in a world where sincerity has lost its meaning, you fill my world with so much hope."

i believe in LOVE.
to love is to sacrifice, therefore, Love is a Sacrifice. i believe in loving unconditionally, because that is what love is all about. love is life's fuel that is why our lives go on.

i believe in LIFE.
i love my life because it is the epitome of who i am.

i believe in our COUNTRY.
i am proud i am FILIPINO!

i believe in all these and more. it doesn't matter if you believe in something else or otherwise. what matters is...YOU BELIEVE! 

© Theren Alexander 2011


_Mark_ said...

this one, theren, is utterly inspiring =) the lonely traveler strikes again! i enjoyed reading this over and over again...

BEN said...

it does pay to believe in something whether superficial or substantial. the important thing is that you believe. very well written! you always write well :)

nina gallagher said...

i believe in most things you said here. most of all i believe in you :)